viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013


Dear students for the final exam  in the speaking portion you have to retell what you did during your  last holiday. The speaking portion will be individual. You  have to make use of past simple tense to name the actions and activities that they did during the trip. Furthermore, you have to use vocabulary that was practiced in class in order to be more descriptive concerning the places you were in. For instance, you have to employ past simple, adjectives, comparatives, superlatives,count and uncount nouns. In addition, you have to bring some pictures simulating where you stayed and the activities you did.


Use of English

Pronunciation & Intonation





Use of English
Student is unable to start his / her speech.
The student is not able to give complete statements.
Sentence structure is out of order.
Most of the time the student is able to give complete statements with the correct word order
The student is able to apply every correct structure and complete statements.
Student lack vocabulary use to express even simple statements.
The student does not make use of familiar vocabulary.
Recognizes and uses some basic vocabulary
Recognizes and uses basic vocabulary.
The student uses a wide range of vocabulary appropriate for their level.
Pronunciation and Intonation
The use of Student’s speech is unclear and not understandable.

Student's pronunciation was incomprehensible. 

Pronunciation and intonation occasionally correct but often hesitant. 

Student's pronunciation was mostly understandable with some difficulty. 

Student's pronunciation was clear and easy to understand. 
Student’s responses are not concerned to what task is asking for.
Coherence is minimally connected to the task.
The number of ideas presented or the development of ideas is limited.
Response is mostly coherent.
Response is sustained and
sufficient to the task. It is
generally well developed
and coherent.

The student’s delivery is not consistent, showing frequent pauses and hesitation.
The student’s  delivery is fragmented and choppy.

Student took a long time to respond to questions. 

Student was able to answer questions with some hesitation. 

Student was able to communicate clearly with no difficulty. 

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Ordering a Meal at a Restaurant - Course II - 8 and 31

As  I told you guys in the previous class both groups will have a presentation of ordering a meal at a restaurant. The conversation has to be in pairs. You can guide the writing of the conversation based on the one that appears on the worksheet. Furthermore, I want you to please be creative on this task because is the last speaking activity we have. So, you can bring a big poster of the restaurant, create the menu, bring some plastic plates or spoons to emulate the restaurant scenario. Creativity is up to you!

Also, you cannot read on the conversation and I will not give anyone  exceptions for not presenting the task on time. If you did not prepare anything, you will have a grade of 0.0.

For next class, you have to bring the conversation on the piece of paper that I gave you so please do not forget it.

The deadline to send me the conversation to check it for group 31, Saturdays class is until Thursday, May 30th until 8:00 p.m.

ESL Conversation: Restaurant Phrases and Vocabulary 

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013


Since some of you do not have a Facebook account, I will inform you using this blog again as we did during the previous course.

First of all, here are the tasks that are due for Tuesday, May 14th:

First tasks: 

Workbook Unit 7 

You will make all exercises of the unit except the one of the last page 41 of Unit 7

Workbook Unit 8 

You have to make all exercises except the one on page 47 because you have to bring that page for next class Tuesday, May 14th. Furthermore, you can omit page 46 of the workbook when you present it to me on Tuesday.

Second task:

Write the past simple form of the verbs of the reading " Zac Efron's biography" I gave to you in groups of two or three. After you have finished, bring that reading to class for Tuesday because we will work on an activity with that.

Third Task:

Speaking activity

In the speaking activity, you have to bring an old photograph of someone of your family or yourself when you were a child. The oral presentation is individually. You must bring an old photograph because you will describe it. There are NO EXCEPTIONS for not presenting the activity on Tuesday.

In the photograph you have to describe and retell a short story about it. Furthermore, take into account that the questions in the example I will provide are only for you to guide the information you will say. You have to try to be as natural as possible and not tell the information during the presentation as if you were answering questions. Ensure yourself to use Present and  Simple Past   appropiately. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ or LOOK AT PAPERS with full information. Nevertheless, you can bring some cards to support your speech.

There is an example of questions for you to guide your presentation:

- When did the people on the photo take that photograph?

-Where were the people in the photo?

-Who were the people in the photograph?

-How old is it now?

-How old were the people in the photo when they took it?

-How many years are there since the people on the photo took the picture until now?

-Who are the relatives in the picture? Is it your father, mother, grandmother? 
How old were they? How old are they now?

- Are the people in the photo alive or dead? 

-When did the people in the photo die? 

-Here is a clear example of a written description of an old photograph. You can base the following description as a guide for you to prepare your oral activity.

The Two Girls

First of all, in this picture there is a car, two girls and a road. There are two girls in a car. They apparently drive a car. This photo was taken in 1927 in Ohio, U.S.A. The girl's father took the photograph for them. The girls looked happy. The girls were outside their house in their father's car.  Besides, the girls in the photo were nine and eight years old, the girls are now dead. The girls in the photo were my grandmother's sister and her cousin. In addition, the photograph is eighty six years old now. Finally, I chose this picture because I found interesting to look at the past of my family and to recognize my ancestors.