sábado, 23 de febrero de 2013


1- Make copies of unit 1 of the workbook and solve the exercises. Since we had the quiz on Nationalities today, you do not need to make  the exercises 8 and 9 from page 7.

2- Individual Oral Presentation

In this presentation, you will have to select a person you admire. An actor, actress, sportsman, singer, etc...
and you have to take into account the following criteria for the presentation:

-Celebrity's / Artist's full name
-Where is he/she from?
-How old is he/she?
-Date of birth
-Where does he/she live?
-Marital Status

Furthermore, you can bring a picture of your celebrity or the person you are going present to the class. Visual aids are a good source that can attract the audience. Finally,   I published here on the blog some of the guidelines that you can take into account before you make a good presentation.

If you have any questions or doubts you can comment here on the blog or you can use the chat poll which is on the right side of this same page.



The preparation of your topic is really important to give an effective presentation and avoid nervousness.

-Be confident.
-Time yourself at home before the presentation.
-Present your selected topic to someone so as for them to give you feedback and tell you about what went well or what didn't go so well.

How to greet the audience 

Greeting can be an engaging aid for you to have a good rapport with the audience. Be polite but not too friendly. Here are some tips:

-Good Morning Students and Teacher
-Good Morning Classmates and Teacher
-Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman

How to introduce the topic 

Today I am going to talk about ......
My presentation is about ......
My topic is about ........

-Tell the audience what will you present in a few words


I am going to present "Bruno Mars" his full name , his occupation, age, place of birth,country/city he comes from, etc...

Body of the Presentation

This is the real aim of your presentation. If you introduced correctly , you will probably have control on the audience. Be confident and relax during the presentation.

-Mantain eye contact with the whole audience
-Modulate your voice
-Use notes if necessary but DON'T READ ALL THE TIME!

Concluding the topic 

-To Conclude
-In Conclusion
-Now, summing up
-Concluding I ....

Thanking the audience

-Thank you for your attention.
-Thanks for being a good audience
-Thanks for your time.

viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013


I am publishing an interesting link for the OXFORD dictionary online, in this website you can find the corresponding meaning of words, plus their pronunciation so you can clarify any doubt concerning an unknown word that you need for your presentations or oral activities.



Tasks Course I Group 8 Tuesday February 26th

As we were scheduling different tasks for this due date Tuesday, February 26th, 2013. I am reminding you all about the tasks that you have to present for that day:

1- Role-Play activity "Introducing a friend or a colleague.

2-Make copies or print Unit 1 of the workbook and solve the corresponding exercises. You can find the copies at the Medicine building, photocopy place "Don René" Folder "Curso I, ILEX" or if you prefer, you can print the Unit as I sent it yesterday through your e-mails.

Have a nice weekend and see you in class next week.

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Weekdays class course I

Good Evening

Dear Students

On the copies I delivered to you today, I want you to bring them for next class since you will start to prepare a conversation based on how to introduce a friend or a colleague to someone. For this reason, don't forget to bring your copy with the same name to class on Thursday because I will give you time to prepare the conversations which the due date to present them is for Tuesday next week. Moreover, I will clarify any doubts in class on Thursday about that task.

On the other hand, I am going to make a quiz next Thursday based on numbers since you need to improve that part. Remember that you have to be autonomous when you are starting to learn a new language.


Adrian Meza

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

Saturdays Class - Role-Play (Introducing a friend or a colleague)

Good Afternoon my fellow pupils. I hope you had a fantastic week.

Here are the guidelines for the oral task in groups that you have to prepare for next class on Saturday :

1. Create a role-play in groups of three where you recreate a conversation following the steps for making an introduction.

As a reminder, I'm publishing them again for you to avoid any doubts.

Making Introductions

- May I introduce myself?

- This is (name)

- You know (name) , don't you?

- I'd (would) like to introduce ( name )  to you.

- Pleased/glad/it's a pleasure/ to meet you. I've heard so much about you.

-Nice to meet you (name)

-Let me introduce you to (name)

I want to remind you that you have to ensure yourselves to use greetings and farewells, and YOU CANNOT READ during the conversation. Furthermore, you have to try harder in acting naturally. You can be creative in your conversations for example you can recreate the meeting in a restaurant, in a café, pub or bar. Subsequently, it's your duty to be creative.

Finally, you can  send me a small draft (borrador) of your conversations in a WORD document for me to correct any mistakes or questions you have.

If you have any other questions, please don't doubt in contacting me to my personal E-mail.

Have a nice rest of the week, guys! :)


Adrian Meza

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

               Useful websites for listening activities 

Here I am publishing different websites for listening activities, with correction exercises for you to start having a look at them and practice:

-Randall's Cyber Listening Lab   


-Listen a minute 


-5 Minute English

Dear Students,

Welcome to the course blog.

In this blog i will be updating all the information which concern to every assignment, quiz, or event that will take place for future classes. You can start as an autonomous learner, provide comments or suggestions in order to improve the quality of our course Blog. The aim of the Blog is not only for the you to be informed, but also to interact with different material published on here. This blog is created for both groups Satudays group 1-31 and Weekdays group 1-8.

Best regards, and the best of success during this Course

Adrian Meza